My Quarantine Quest to Become Star Baker (with my recipe for the best chocolate chip cookies you will ever eat)

This whole lock-down experience has paradoxically left me feeling bored and wanting to do something creative, while at the same time a bit too overwhelmed to be working on anything too serious or vulnerable.

Combine this with binge-watching last year’s season of The Great British Bake Off and you have me turning to butter, sugar, flour and eggs for my creative release.

I’ve used the extra down-time to try making long-process baked goods like eclairs (which I filled with an orange and cardamom creme patissiere that I could have literally just eaten from the bowl with a spoon, it was so good), a Parisian Opera Cake which had me layering various sponges and buttercreams for hours to get that perfect store-front look, and everyone’s quarantine favourite- sourdough bread, which I think I’m finally starting to get consistently good results from. It’s been a lot of fun and a great way to pass the time, while still feeling like I’m growing (not just my waist-band!)

But while these have all been following other peoples’ recipes, last week I also pulled out one that I can happily call my own- my recipe for chocolate chip cookies. This is a recipe that started with something I found online years ago, but that I have tweaked and perfected over the last decade or so, to the point where a batch of these cookies never lasts longer than a couple of days (and it makes a LOT of cookies!)

So here you go. If you’re interested in baking, or just eating, what I can happily endorse as the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever eaten, the recipe is below. They’re all kinds of extra, and you need to let the dough rest for 24hrs before you bake them (trust me) so a bit of planning is required.

Please let me know if you bake these- leave a comment, or reach out on my instagram, where you can see a step by step breakdown of these cookies in my story highlights.

On your marks, get set, BAKE!


Alistair’s Best Choc Chip Cookies


  • 380g plain flour

  • 225g butter

  • 225g dark brown sugar

  • 150g white sugar

  • 1 t baking powder

  • 1 t bicarb

  • 1/1/2 t sea salt, plus more for sprinkling

  • 1/2 t freshly grated nutmeg

  • 1 T vanilla extract

  • 1/4 t almond extract

  • 1 whole egg + 1 yolk

  • 250g dark chocolate*

  • 250g milk chocolate*

*Don’t use chocolate chips! Rather, buy solid blocks of chocolate and chop them up yourself- it will give you a much more interesting texture and you’ll get those big “OMG” pockets of chocolate when you bite into them.


  • Make browned butter, by cooking it in a saucepan, stirring occasionally, until it browns and smells nutty. Watch carefully so it doesn’t burn. Remove from heat and add a couple of ice cubes to stop it from cooking and add back some of the moisture that was lost during cooking.

  • In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar, salt, baking powder, bicarb and nutmeg

  • Pour in the melted butter and mix until well combined

  • Whisk eggs, vanilla and almond extracts, then add to the main mixture. Beat the mixture until glossy and smooth.

  • Add flour and fold it through until combined

  • Roughly chop the blocks of chocolate and fold through the mixture

  • Divide the dough in two and roll each half into a log wrapped in baking parchment

  • Refrigerate for 24hrs (Don’t skip this step! If you have to, bake a few now, but save some of the dough for tomorrow and you won’t regret it!) The dough will keep well in the fridge for about a week, but it also freezes great. I usually chuck one log in the freezer for later, and one in the fridge for the next day

  • Once the dough has chilled, preheat the oven to 170ºC. 

  • Unwrap the dough and slice the log up into even circles. You can use a scale for this if you want to get OCD and ensure even baking

  • Roll these into balls and set out on a baking sheet. Gently squash them down with your hand. Sprinkle with a little sea salt.

  • Bake for about 12-15 minutes, or until the edges are golden brown, but the centres are still a little pale

  • They will be super soft once you take them out of the oven, but will set as they cool, so try to hold yourself back for a few minutes!
