Album Art: Spotify Playlist Covers

When I’m struggling with ideas on a larger project, one of my favourite things to do to distract myself and recharge creatively is designing album art for my Spotify playlists. This is something I’ve been doing on and off since I began my ‘year playlists’ back in 2016.

Each year on my birthday (September 15) I start a blank playlist, to which I add songs that I’m enjoying throughout the year. I love how they’ve become a sort of musical time capsule of my life. For example my Twenty-Seven playlist is particularly moody and melancholic, whilst my Thirty playlist is full of campy disco and more upbeat songs. (My undying obsession for Fleetwood Mac weaves its way through all of my playlists.)

I find designing these to be a great design exercise for me- the stakes are low, it’s just one small square tile and most likely I’m the only one who’s ever going to see them. But it’s a great chance to try and distill and idea or ‘vibe’ into something and it gives me such a sense of fulfilment every time I upload a new cover.

If you’re interested in the eclectic mess that is my music taste, you can find me on Spotify here.